Walking on Sunshine with Lucy, Ethel and a Winner...

Good Afternoon!

I am signing back in from Sydney 
with a view to the Harbour Bridge.
I snapped this pic on my morning walk.

I love this time of year...
when the Jacaranda trees start to burst 
with beautiful lavender blooms.

Springtime in Sydney is beautiful..
especially when you have a chance to 
chat with the local bird life. 
I am starting to see a pattern 
from our apartment window.
with two lorikeets who check in
 on a regular basis. 
They aren't quiet about it either.

It seems to be a case of which one 
can out squawk the other.
They remind me of two beloved characters 
from days gone by.
If you were a fan of I Love Lucy...
you will appreciate why I call them 

You can view Lucy and Ethel on my windowsill here

I just love watching both sets of Lucy and Ethel in action! 

And they were ever so curious when they
saw me writing, cutting, folding and looking behind
 me as I chose the winner for my

My handiwork..
picking a winner the old fashioned way.

Lucy, Ethel and I are happy to report
that Susan S is the winner!

Congratulations Susan!
Please drop me a line with your details
and I will send the book off to you.


For those who missed out, stay tuned,
there are sure to be more surprises in store.

For I so love shopping for me...and you!

Here is something fun for all you with
 a special mischief making friend in your life..
I love seeing my friends in this clip.


Best wishes for an absolutely wonderful day,
I hope it is filled with sunshine!!

Jeanne xx

#4 A Quickie Giveaway


  1. 7pm was it every night of the week or just one day a week.........ALL I recall is 7pm!I LOVE LUCY and ETHEL..........ETHEL ended up living in my hometown but I only knew that once she passed.I would BEG my MOTHER to take dinner to the TV room so I could watch it!I saw every episode at least 20 times.............I met a woman at my BOYS elementary school who grew up next door to LUCY in BEVERLY HILLS!SHE said she was a RIOT in real life too.................we need MORE SHOWS LIKE THAT ON TV NOW.Let's get rid of the gun, gang shows and go back to FAMILY and HUMOR.........we would have a better world.......NO?

    1. Couldn't agree more Elizabeth! It really is a challenge these days to find some good old fashioned wholesome TV shows...just the kind that make you feel good. Something that doesn't make you nervous to turn the lights off at night. ;)

  2. Thankyou for that wonderful entertainment this morning. You are right about the lorikeets-they could be Lucy and Ethel reincarnated!

  3. Spring celebrates with a burst of colors. I love the lorikeets.

    1. I have been tempted to feed them Edgar...but fear I will have many more as a result. One can only handle so many lorikeets! ;)

  4. Good post. Very interesting and cool picture Thanks!


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