Life Changing Books

It is funny how one thing can lead to the next. 
I popped into the local library on Friday 
to see what was new and interesting. 

by Roxanne J Coady and Joy Johannessen. ' 

A quick flick and I new this book was going to be a keeper. 
It is a journey into my past....Marjorie Morningstar, 
The Catcher in the Rye, The Count of Monte Cristo, Atlas Shrugged, 
A Room of One's Own, Hemingway's Collected Stories, 
 To Kill a Mockingbird, Jane Eyre, The Great Gatsby 
and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn to name a few.

It is funny how we get so caught up with the latest books 
that we forget that there were so many great ones before them. 

I enjoyed this book and what the writers have had to say. 
I have now discovered a great little book store
 in Madison Connecticut
RJ Julia Booksellers


  1. Very well said. I'm enjoying your blog. I followed. Hope you follow back :] Warm wishes!


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