When Falls Comes to New England

Fall is upon us, I can feel it in the air. I think apples, I think layers, 
I think walks in the woods and I listen to Cheryl Wheeler and my favourite song,
'When Fall Comes to New England'.

Cheryl is an American songwriter and singer.
Her music is in their with my collection of 

No matter where I am living, it just takes this one song to bring me back to New England.
Once I am there the rest follows. 
New England...
A beautiful place to be.

Video clip set to song 
'When Fall Comes to New England'

When Fall Comes To New England
Words and Music By:
Cheryl Wheeler

When fall comes to New England
The sun slants in so fine
And the air's so clear
You can almost hear the grapes grow on the vine

The nights are sharp with starlight
And the days are cool and clean
And in the blue sky overhead
The northern geese fly south in stead
And leaves are Irish Setter Red
When fall comes to New England

When fall comes to New England
And the wind blows off the sea
Swallows fly in a perfect sky
And the world was meant to be

When the acorns line the walkways
Then winter can't be so far
From yellow leaves a blue jay calls
Grandmothers walk out in their shawl
And chipmunks run the old stone walls
When fall comes to New England

The frost is on the pumpkin
The squash is off the vine
And winter warnings race across the sky
The squirrels are on to something
And they're working overtime
The foxes blink and stare and so do I
'Cause when fall comes to New England
Oh I can't turn away
From fading light on flying wings
And late good-byes a robin sings
And then another thousand things
When fall comes to New England

When fall comes to New England

(P) May 27, 2003
Penrod and Higgins Music/ Amachrist Music
ACF Music group
International Copyright Reserved

I am linking this to Seasonal Sundays @ The Tablescaper.
You will find lots of seasonal inspiration there... join us!

More seasonal inspiration @ Collage of Life:

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Blogs by Jeanne
Collage of Life~one woman's view
In One Place~thinking about a creative life
Finding My Waydiscovering England
B-Well Reportwellness


  1. Ah....I absolutely love living in New England, but most especially during this time of year. It's amazing. I had heard of cheryl wheeler but had never really listened to her - I'll give her a listen. I love lots of the others you mentioned and adore folky stuff in general.

  2. Hi Mary.. If you listen to the video clip, you will here the song. Enjoy!

  3. I'm a Mass. girl and this is my favorite time of year. My husband and 4 kids often talk about moving abroad for a few years..looking forward to reading more!

  4. You took one beautiful picture!! Our leaves haven't started to change yet. I've been to New England in the fall and it is everything the song says it is!


  5. I may not always comment Jeanne... but I did want to tell you that I love your very thoughtful and inspiring blog!


  6. Lovely video clip. Autumn is a gorgeous time of the year.

  7. Thank you so much for such a lovely post - it really cheered me up! Have got to go for routine mammogram this morning and although we all know we have got to do it the going still is horrid!!! Thank you Jeanne.

  8. Pam..welcome and if you ever want to talk about moving your famiy abroad, I am your girl!

    Jane, Tracy and Angela...thank you! There is something about a change of season, any season...it is lovely. Glad you like the song...

    Gillie...I should thank you! One for the compliment and two because every year I have a mammogram around now and I managed to forget to do it this year. New country, new Doctor, new routine...and I am with you, it is not high on my list of things to do but so necessary. I hope all goes well for you :)

  9. Jeanne~ How I wish you were closer so we could chat with hot mugs of coffee and a nearby fire. That Joni Mitchell album is one of my favorites-and will always mean autumn to me. Off to play that cd right now. xxx

  10. Mary,
    This is absolutely amazing. That is one of my favorite songs. I heard it about four years ago when we spent four months in Boston where my husband was studying. I knew i put you on my blogger reader for a reason! (Obviously other reasons, too). We are now in Croatia for our exchange student son's wedding (and we really don't travel all the time...this is special.

    Now I must go back and look and listen! I do women's retreats with a friend and we have used Cheryl Wheeler songs...and other cool folkie songs!

    (Stop and visit, if you would like. It is truly just the barest amount about our jewelry! We wanted just Katsui and it was taken!)

  11. Deb...I hear you :) I would love that too! One of these days..I will get to Maine..you can count on that one. Mr. H always talks about owning a home there someday, who knows we could be neighbours!!

    Suz.. so glad to have found another Cheryl Wheeler fan!
    Enjoy Croatia, I hope you will put photos on your blog, I would love to see them! Off to check out your jewelry :)

  12. Hi! I hopped over from Kittie Howard's blog to say hello. :-)

    I love Fall! It's my favorite time of year.

  13. Pamela....I knew you would like that expression of colour, it sounds like something you would say. I thought of that colour all day as I drove thru the countryside...on the search for Irish Setter Red. I sighted red but nothing as pretty as Irish Setter Red.
    Something to hope for :)

    Shannon...welcome, any friend of Kitty's is a friend of mine! A great writer and I can see from stopping by your blog that you are too :)

  14. We must be sharing the same thoughts today. Here in Rockport, we can feel and smell fall....I love it. Thanks for sharing the song.

  15. Jeanne.
    Thank you so much for visiting our blog! I apologize for calling you the wrong name! I am still singing that wonderful Cheryl Wheeler song! She has such a soulful voice! You are on my Reader.Hope you will return to see me!


  16. Ahhhhh....just beautiful Jeanne. Thanks for sharing. How fortunate you are to have experienced this beautiful time of year in such a glorious location. Hope all is well with you and your lovely ones. Meredy xo.

  17. Love your BEAUTIFUL fall picture! Don't you think they are turning a little early this year?? They are here in Ohio....

  18. Lovely pic and great choice of song! ;) I'm popping over from Kitties blog to say hello! Glad I found your blog! ;)

  19. Hello - I found your blog via Kittie's, and I just love that picture of New England in the autumn/fall - such a beautiful place, such a beautiful time of year!

  20. I love your pictures Jeanne - and that beautiful song playing in the background - perfect!

  21. Thanks for sharing. Did not know the song. It's wonderful. I so want to visit New England in the fall!

  22. Jeanne, thank you so much for that beautiful song and for the introduction to Cheryl Wheeler. I have the others in your collection, but she's new to me...woo hoo I love a new musical discovery!!

  23. Great pic! I hope the leaves turn in Philly, it's been so dry I'm afraid they're just going to fall off this year!

  24. What a beautiful post. It couldn't be more perfect! I hadn't hear of Cheryl Wheeler. I'm so glad you introduced her to me.I'll have to add her to my playlist.

    Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays!

    - The Tablescaper

  25. I have always wanted to see fall in New England. That is on my bucket list.

  26. What a lovely post. I have spent fall in Maritime Canada, which is probably quite similar. It is enchanting. I am in Calgary this weekend and fall is beautiful here, too. I will try to post and join in your fun. I took some pics today that hopefully turned out fine.

  27. This is such a lovely post. The colours of Autumn really are spectacular aren't they!

    This would be a lovely addition to my Sunday Song post. If you have time I would love it if you could link up this beautiful post Jeanne!

    Best wishes and happy Tuesday!

  28. Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it seems as though you relied on the video to make your point. You obviously know what youre talking about, why waste your intelligence on just posting videos to your blog when you could be giving us something enlightening to read?


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